Your business doesn’t need a map -it needs a compass


This is advice I got from Seth Godin..


Maps are great!Don't get me wrong. They get you from point A to point B and help you stay onthe right track! Yet, everyone's got the same map, following the same routes,visiting the same sights. 🗺️ So if you try to run your business using amap your business will look, sound and feel like any other out there… How doyou stand out like that?

As a business owner, what you need is acompass! 🧭

This won't give you a step-by-step guide.No, it does something better! It points you towards your goal, leaving the pathto reach it totally up to you. Unpredictable turns, unexpected terrains, thechance to craft a unique journey. That's what will make your business standout!

Now, I’m not saying that you should throwaway the map! Glance at it from time to time to see what routes work and whichones lead to nowhere… Just don’t follow it blindly or you might end up likesome of the drivers who follow GPS without using their judgment - in a lake!:D

Your business needs that compassmentality. It's not about retracing steps, but charting your unique journey.