If you go to adoctor with a problem then she will ask you a bunch of questions (and hopefullyrun some tests) before deciding what kind of cure you need, right? So when itcomes to selling, why would you assign a cure before you’ve really diagnosedthe underlying disease?

When a client comes to you with aproblem, are you just accepting their version and offering a quick fix? Or areyou going deeper by asking the right questions to find the root cause?

Let's say a client walks in and says,"My sales are down. I need more sales." 📉 Would you juststart designing ads, or would you first ask about their product, their market,their sales strategy, and what they’ve been doing so far?

The thing is that asking the rightquestions isn't just part of solving the problem. It's half of the salesprocess! In the end, you don’t want to have to close the client, the clientneeds to see that they have a problem, they need to fix it right now, and thatYOU are the right option for them!

So what’s the takeaway? Slow down, askquestions, and make sure you're solving the right problem (this will help youwin the client’s trust as well!)